Friday, 20 February 2015

15 reasons to drink water with lemon

Lemons contain loads of Vitamin C en therefore are fruits with loads of beauty ánd health benefits. As you might know, lemons are used in a lot of beauty products, like body lotions and lip balms. You see, lemons have a lot of great benefits. Losing weight and a healthy, shiny skin are two them. Also, lemon juice kills bad bacteria and the best way to drink it is with warm water.

I used to drink warm water with lemon a lot, but with time I started to get lazy to put some lemon juice in warm water - I know... it's stupid. As if it takes a lot to do.
A few days ago I started to drink it again and it felt pretty good. It's like the perfect wake me up drink. Something like the usually cup of coffee you need every morning to be able to start your day fresh with a power shot. So I wondered what exactly is it about lemon juice that is so freshening.

It turns out that lemon juice put the digestive system immediately to work. That's also one of the reasons why it's important to drink warm water with lemon in the morning during breakfast: the day starts good for your body.
And like that, all the fabrics which your body has been creating during the night and the toxins which are formed will be immediately flushed out of your body.

One glass warm water with lemon juice contains only 25 calories and is full with calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin A, and pectin, which are also found in plums and is a way to prevent constipation and diarrhea. Well... that's good to know, right?
The reason why we put lemon juice on apples and avocado - for example - to avoid that it turns brown, is because it has an anti-bacterial effect that works just perfectly on our body as well!

Here are the other reasons:

  • The natural stomach acids in your body stay in balance so your food can be processed effectively (and faster).
  • As a result, fat, lactose and carbohydrates from food will be better processed by lemon.
  • If you have a cold you will get better faster because the 'sick' bacteria will quickly be removed from your body.
  • Your immune system is strengthened so well that the risk of contracting infections and getting sick decreases.
  • The high potassium level in lemons contributes to healthy brain cells.
  • If you suffer from pain or infection around your joints, they will be resolved more quickly because of the lemon acids arising there.
  • Your liver is being strengthened because it sends energy to the liver by creating liver enzymes.
  • If you suffer from stomach acid, lemon is a perfect idea, even though you wouldn't think so at first sight. It is in fact the good natural acidity that fight against the nasty acids in your stomach.
  • Lemon juice is good for the health condition of your eyes.
  • Lemon juice is insanely good after a workout to regain balance in the body salts and electrolytes.
  • It decreases your acne by drinking it and lemon can even help to avoid wrinkles in the long run.

Tip: drink warm water with lemon in the morning, because if you drink it with cold water it would cost your body more energy to warm this up. You don't want that, because the purpose of this is to give your body more energy!

Tip: add some mint leaves to your water... that gives it a delicious, blowing taste! Also cucumber slices are nice!

Much Love <3

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