Thursday, 5 March 2015

Top 5 superfoods of the week #2

Previous week, the superfoods that where in line where Blueberries, Oats, Salmon, Black beans, and Avocados. In this week's new part of Top 5 superfoods of the week we will get some new information about healthy food as well. So heads up!

1. Broccoli

I personally eat this like almost everyday... No just kidding But I seriously eat this a lot. My Mom loves broccoli, and even though we're starting to get a little bit sick of broccoli, it's like she has a hard time trying to make dinner without it. I am still not complaining though!
Cooked or raw, this veggie is well-known for it's cancer-preventing powers - My Mom always tells us when some of us starts to complain about dinner. But with a punch of filling fiber in less than 30 calories a serving, it's bound to prevent eight problems too. Bingo! Good to know, right?

2. Brown Rice

It's well known that white rice shouldn't be eaten every day. But brown rice on the other hand is much better. It's like white bread and brown bread. Brown rice is like brown bread, a heartier, fiber-packed alternative. And it boosts your metabolism and burns fat as well. Plus, brown rice is a low-energy-density foot, which means it is heavy and filling but low in calories.

3. Grapefruit

It is said that even if you changed nothing else about your diet, only trying to eat half a grapefruit before each meal may help you lose up to a pound a week... There's a compound in this fruit that can lower insulin, a fat-storage hormone, which can lead to weight loss. It's also a good source of protein, and because it's at least 80 % water, it can fill you up so you eat less. And above all... This fruit is amazingly delicious for smoothies.

4. Kidney Beans

These little beans are as good and healthy as the Black Beans we had in the previous Top 5 Superfoods. These red beans offer protein and fiber - more than 5 grams per serving. Kidney beans are also rich in Resistant Starch: a half-cup serving packs nearly 2 grams of this slimming carb.

5. Almonds 

Nuts is general are another superfood rich in healhty fats that helps you slim down. Almonds in particular can help you shed pounds: in one study, people who added a daily helping of the nuts to a low-calories diet lost more weight than people who followed the same diet but swapped almonds for a carb-heavy snack like crackers. Although I don't really like the idea of following a low-calories diet (because this simply never really works out), it does tell us something about how healthy these kind of nuts is.

Stay tuned for the top 5 of next week!

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